Items discussed at Harborough Climate Action Meeting on Feb 7th
Harborough Climate Action consulted you, our members, with a survey about what’s important to you as the climate crisis increases. We were given very interesting responses – thank you for your help. The link is here if you missed it and would still like to respond:
We are planning a public meeting with a special guest speaker in early March. What can Professor Heiko Baltzer tell us when he comes, working at the forefront of some of the climate issues? We’ll let you know when we have a date and venue. Watch this space…..
Remember the United for Warm Homes request for quilt squares? An amazing large quilt was assembled and is now on display in Leicester Museum. When it comes to Harborough, we’ll display ours alongside it, sewn together by our Morsbag team.

Our next meeting will be held on 26th February
More information about Harborough Climate Action can be found
on the HCA webpages
New members of Harborough Climate Action are always welcome -
email us at hca@SustainableHarboroughCommunity.co.uk