We believe it is important for everyone to be aware of the science behind the Climate Crisis and its deadly consequences. By being better informed you are more likely act with urgency.

Every day we see new and shocking images - forest fires, the melting of the polar ice caps and flooding.
Events came close to home when, in the summer of 2021, the Kibworths were subject to a colossal hailstorm, which resulted in flooding and damage to property.
It is now generally accepted that the cause of these catastrophic events is the increased heating of the Earth's climate system since the pre-industrial period due to human activities (anthropogenic).
This is caused by the emission of Greenhouse Gases, which is the term to describe a mix of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide (amongst others), which trap heat in the atmosphere and warm the planet.
The burning of fossil fuels is one contributor to these gases. Other causes are methane gases given off by livestock.

The Earth’s average global temperature before the industrial revolution was 14 degrees. To date it has risen by 1.2 degrees. Greenhouse gases have increased from some 280ppm to 400.
Scientists have determined that unless we can control our greenhouse gas emissions to limit temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, we are in serious trouble.
And there are scary tipping points. For example the melting of glaciers releases deadly methane gases, trapped below, for which there is no going back.
Check out our
Glossary of terms
Why is +1.5 degrees C so critical? And what is wet bulb temperature?
Wet bulb temperature is measured by a thermometer wrapped in wet muslin - it measures both temperature and water vapour. Wet bulb temperature of 35 Celsius is the upper limit of what the human body can handle. With that hot moisture in the air, it is thermodynamically impossible to prevent the body from overheating (cooling sweat won’t evaporate) so people simply die.
And 1.5 degrees is what is reckoned to be the maximum global rise to prevent the tropics reaching this critical 35 Celsius.

Unchecked, the net result is a diminishing amount of usable land and sea to support an ever-growing population. HOWEVER - it is not yet too late, and we should not despair.
Taking action to tackle the Climate Crisis now, at the global, national, local and individual level is vital. We hope you agree, and will find the information and ideas suggested in line with our key aims helpful :
If you want to learn more about the Climate Crisis, have a look at these sites :
If you would like to join Harborough Climate Action or ask us a question, or suggest something you would like to see on our website, just drop us an email