HBGW is now only a couple of weeks away, and we are looking for volunteers to help us. If you can spare an hour or two with any of the following, we would really appreciate it
Friday 9th June, from 12.30 - 4pm, Symington Rec : help to erect stalls ready for the carnival day
Saturday 10th June, 12 noon - 5pm, Symington Rec : Help run a stall on Green Street at the carnival showground
Sunday 18th June, 10am - 11am, Welland Park : Help set up ready for the Big Green Picnic on June 18th
Sunday 18th June, 11am - 3pm, Welland Park : Help running activities at the Big Green Picnic
email us at shc@sustainableharboroughcommunity.co.uk
Thank You!