Are you interested in learning about wildlife, wildflowers and grasses? Then why not come along to a verge open days this summer! These have been organised by Leicestershire County Council in partnership with local biodiversity charity NatureSpot. You'll be able to learn more about species of flora and fauna, increase your confidence in monitoring species and have the chance to give it a go! Several dates are planned in the Harborough Area :
London Road, Great Glen - 24 July, 2.30pm
Church Causeway, East Langton - 30 July, 10am
Wistow Road, Kibworth - 31 July, 2.30pm
If you would like to attend, please contact EnvironmentTeam@leics.gov.uk. People can turn up on the day, but we do like to know numbers in case we have more people and need more experts on hand to chat and help identify plants. 
A parish resource toolkit will also be available soon. This will be a signposting tool to various organisations, resources and will share best practice for wildlife projects and species recording. 
In the meantime, we have 23 FREE ID guides available to read and the guides are a great resource to find out what species exist in Leicestershire.
Sign up to our verge open days and get spotting near you https://crowd.in/eYZenv