Sustainable Harborough Community (and its subgroups Harborough Climate Action and Harborough Transport Action), are starting to plan the activities they will focus on in 2024.
And we would love to get the views of anyone who is interested in taking action to address the climate and environmental crises we face.
We have put together a survey to gather your views, and would really appreciate your completing it, and sharing the link with anyone else who you think has an interest in such issues.
Please read these notes before completing the survey :
This survey can be completed anonymously
You may choose to let us have your contact details if you want SHC to contact you
There are 34 questions, and it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete
You can complete it on your desktop, laptop, mobile phone or other electronic device
The form will be presented to you differently depending on which device you use, and which browser you use
The survey is just one long form and you will need to scroll down the form to progress through it
If you can't see a scroll bar, try hovering your cursor on the top right hand of the form, and it should appear
If you have any problems, please email hca@SustainableHarboroughCommunity.co.uk, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible
Thank you for taking part - your input to our planning will be much appreciated.