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Market Harborough in Bloom

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The Nursery, Welland Park, Welland Park Road, Market Harborough

Delivery Service:

Pre-order Service:

Volunteer Opportunities: 




MHiB aims to
improve, manage and develop the town and surrounding areas of Market Harborough by involving members of the community in designing, planting and maintaining floral displays, and in campaigns and community projects
develop projects to encourage saving natural resources
undertake nature conservation projects
encourage children and young people to become aware of their local environment through active participation
encourage sustainable development
participate in regional and national competitions

Description of Organisation or Services

Volunteers learn about composting, recycling, plant reuse and water conservation as part of a wider horticultural remit...all this is promoted on the Facebook page so it can be disseminated to a wider audience.

A Young People’s Coordinator volunteer aims to convey green/wildlife issues to children locally

Planters with reservoirs have systematically replaced older planters to conserve water

All pots are reused and materials repurposed wherever possible

Pollinator friendly plants are used increasingly and more planting involves reused perennial plants

Compost used is peat free

Green Services

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