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Our First Public Event!

Writer's picture: SHCSHC

Like everyone else, Sustainable Harborough Community is really looking forward to July 19th, when we can start holding events and getting to meet our members face to face.

And we are not hanging around! We are holding our first public event on Sunday July 25th, which will be a litter pick. Open to SHC members and non-members alike, it will be a great opportunity to make the town look good, but also a chance to get to meet fellow planet lovers, and to find out more about the Sustainable Harborough Community.

We will be starting and finishing outside the Cafe@Welland Park, where toilet and hand washing facilities will be available. Please wear sensible footwear and bring your own gloves.

The itinerary will be as follows :

  • 10am - Meet up outside the Cafe@Welland Park for registration, a welcome briefing and to collect your litter picking kit

  • 10.30am - litter pickling along the river bank towards the station, and various adjoining locations

  • 12.00 - reconvene outside the Cafe@Welland Park for debrief and return of equipment

  • 12.15 onwards - for anyone who would like to join us, we will be having a community picnic. Bring along your own food and drink, or buy something delicious in the cafe!

So do come along, bring the family and a few friends, we would love to see you.

If you would like to tell us you will be joining us, or ask for more information, please email us at


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