Harborough Climate Action (a sub-group of Sustainable Harborough Community) launched the Harborough Climate Pledge during Harborough Big Green Week, and we had over 150 people sign up during the week. However, this is an ongoing campaign, and we are still encouraging more people to sign up.
What is the pledge, and why should you sign it
We know that many SHC members really care about the Climate Change, but feel powerless to do anything about it. So we have launched the Harborough Climate Pledge which we hope will help everyone who cares, to commit to taking actions both as an an individual and as part of the SHC community, that will ensure that the issues relating to climate change are not continually ignored by those that can make a real difference.
Taking Individual Action - Harborough Climate Action (HCA) has developed a host of materials to help you and your family to measure and then reduce your own carbon footprint. Find out more here.
Supporting Local Action - once you are signed up to the pledge, HCA will let you know when any local action is planned that will be highlighting issues relating to Climate Change, and encouraging our local and national leaders to do more. Our first event will be a gathering in support of the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice. Find out more about this event here.
Sharing this Action - it is really important that we all try and find time to talk to friends, family and colleagues about the issues relating to Climate Change. Maybe you could encourage them to join SHC, or sign up the Harborough Climate Pledge.
How to sign it
It is really easy to sign up the Harborough Climate Pledge Just click on this link.
In order for us to keep a record of how many people have signed the pledge we will ask you to let us know your name and email address.
What happens next
HCA will keep a tally of how many people have signed the pledge, and will publish this periodically on our website. Personal details will not be shared in these updates.
HCA will store your contact details securely, and use them only when we have something relevant to tell you.
If you have any comments or queries about the Harborough Climate Pledge, please contact us at hca@SustainableHarborough Community.co.uk