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Are You As Well Insulated As You Could Be?

Ethical Consumer have recently published their annual Climate Gap Report. One key finding is that as a country we are way off track for achieving the target number of home insulation installations by 2030.

Heating accounts for about 14% of UK emissions, and over three quarters of that is from homes. Our homes are among the worst insulated in Europe. Government funded insulation installations for fuel-poor homes were over 1.5 and 2 million in 2010-2012, but suddenly dropped to the hundreds of thousands, and have still not been revived over 10 years later. With targets of an average of more than 1 million installations needed per year, and only 100,000 in 2021, it’s clear that we’re way off.

This comprehensive guide from Ethical Consumer tells you all you need to know about different types of insulation you can install, how to go about installing them, and where to go for more help.



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