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Are you a Climate Activist?

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

As a follower of Sustainable Harborough Community, we know you already care about what is happening to our planet. But would you like to be more active in creating local solutions? If so, why not get involved in a new group that SHC has just set up which will be looking at ways to act locally on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. The group held its first meeting on July 5th.

First order of business was to agree on our name - and we agreed unanimously on the "Market Harborough Climate Action Group"!

Next up was to consider what we are aiming to do, and this is what agreed on :

"The purpose of this group will be to consider what the local response should be to the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Activities will be focused on supporting local and national decision makers in developing their strategies and policies, and, if necessary, holding them to account for any deficiencies in those policies. The group will be acting collaboratively with other groups in the Climate Action Network, and participating in relevant national events and campaigns."

We then had a discussion about specific actions we want to take on, and we agreed that our first action should be to draw up a response to HDC's proposed Climate Action Plan.

There are just 8 members of the group at the moment, but we would love to have more people joining us. If you think you might be interested, click on this link to register your interest.

We will then be in touch with more information. Meetings are on Zoom at the moment, but hopefully we will soon start meeting up face to face.


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