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12 Months of Action

June - Join the call for Justice!

Send a message of hope and expectation to the G7 with the Wave of Hope. 


Wave of Hope! 

Hands up if you want to crack the biggest crises: Covid, Injustice, Climate Change and Nature Loss.

Find us in the HGD.PNG

Have you seen the Harborough Green Directory?

SHC are working with local businesses and organisations to ease and enable greener activity in our district. 

Love Message

Love Social Media?

Please volunteer to help us run ours! 

Keep coming back...


We will be adding more content throughout the month.


All information will be stored in our information hub for easy access throughout the year.


In December we will reflect and recap.

Silent Worship and Meditation

Faith and Caring for the Climate.

Sustainability reaches into every part of life, including faith and worship.


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