Leicestershire Master Composters
Delivery Service:
Pre-order Service:
Volunteer Opportunities:
The organisation aims to reach any Leicestershire resident who wants to start composting at home, and to offer support to people who are already home composting and may be having difficulties or need encouragement.
There are over 60 Master Composters in the county who attend a variety of events to promote home composting and give advice to the general public. They may also meet with individual residents, give talks, go into schools, advise community gardens, maintain compost display areas and write their own blogs and websites. They are all volunteers and are supported by a number of staff in the LCC Waste Partnership. There are 2 Master Composters based in Market Harborough.
There are ongoing opportunities to join the programme as a volunteer, please contact Matthew Copley for more information : matthew.copley@leics.gov.uk, tel: 0116 3058 280
The two Master Composters based in Market Harborough, have been instrumental in setting up two facilities that give regular opportunities for people in Market Harborough to learn about home composting, and get involved in active training sessions. One at Stevens St Allotments, and one at the MH Eco Village. See the MH Eco Map for details.
Description of Organisation or Services
Advice on reducing household and garden waste by home composting.
Green Services